Poll Finalization
As a coordinator, first you need to merge signups and messages (votes). Messages are stored in a queue so when the poll is over, the coordinator needs to create the tree from the queue (AccQueue). This optimization is needed to reduce gas cost for voters. Then coordinator generates proofs for the message processing, and tally calculations. This allows to publish the poll results on-chain and then everyone can verify the results when the poll is over.
This could be done using maci-cli
or by running commands in the contracts
Via maci-cli
maci-cli mergeSignups --poll-id 0
maci-cli mergeMessages --poll-id 0
maci-cli genProofs \
--privkey coordinator-private-key \
--poll-id 0 \
--process-zkey ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-zkey ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-file tally.json \
--output proofs/ \
--tally-wasm ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test_js/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.wasm \
--process-wasm ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test_js/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.wasm \
--wasm \
--useQuadraticVoting true
maci-cli proveOnChain \
--poll-id 0 \
--proof-dir proofs/
maci-cli verify \
--poll-id 0 \
--tally-file tally.json # this file is generated in genProofs